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And finally we are under way!

We just wanted to let you know that everyone has paid up and we are therefore finally getting under way – hurray!!

The Contractors’ purchase orders have been placed, the equipment is on order and we are hopeful, dare we say it and subject to the weather of course, that George and Francis Day can shortly commence digging trenches and laying cables.

To that end, Sophie who is acting as our Contractors’ Co-ordinator (and her helpers), will be visiting all investors to agree exactly where the cables are going to go, to connect your houses to the Broadband network.

Additionally we will be sending out subscription application forms in the next few days. The subscription forms will give you information on what levels of broadband are available and how much each level will cost per month. We have tried to keep these as reasonable as possible bearing in mind the network start-up costs that need to be covered.

Can you please return these forms as soon as possible to Sophie Glover at The Orchard so we can make the necessary arrangements for you with our service provider.

Once we have all this under way, David Whurr will then be in touch with regards to further information on land lines, voice over the internet systems and how it all actually works.

Pray for some dry weather and we might just get a cable in the ground!!

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